September 10, 2011

Good-Bye, Linda

Before I dropped Linda at the St. Louis airport, we had a few stops to make.  We first made a detour to the Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site despite the rain.  This property, known as White Haven, was the family home of Julia Dent, Grant’s future wife.  The home represents their personal life during the tumultuous times of the nineteenth century.

Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site
We had time only for a short stop before heading to Verizon and a hopeful fix for the MiFi.  The issue seems to be the firmware update, which has been causing grief for customers and staff alike.  Since there was not enough time to complete the update before Linda needed to catch her plane, I left with directions to another Verizon location closer to the airport. 

A quick stop for White Castle hamburgers and a dash to the airport ended the first week of the trip.  I will miss Linda, and so will Kitty.

The day ended on what appears to be a positive note, with a most cooperative group of Verizon employees determined to fix my problem.  A firmware update and a new battery promise to get me connected once more.  I’m dead tired, but more hopeful than I’ve been in a few days.

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