August 25, 2011

RV Open House at the Park

Tim invited his friends and colleagues at Rocky Mountain National Park to an open house to show off the RV.  Because so many people have been hearing about our trip, or have seen the RV at the park, we wanted them to see where we will be living for the next nine months.  Although Tim has another month of work, we wanted to get together with his colleagues now, since I will be leaving in less than two weeks. 

It was fun to have people walk through the RV and see how we have managed to pack all that we will need in such a small space.  Most everyone was amazed at the efficient use of space in a small Class B RV.

Friends, Colleagues and Food
Superintendent Vaughn Baker and Tim’s boss Larry Frederick, Chief of Interpretation, joined us, and I thanked them profusely for everything they have done to make this trip a reality.  Not every employer would allow an employee to leave for nine months.  We are so lucky that Tim works for such wonderful people, and I am so proud that he is a National Park Service employee.  What an amazing organization.

Superintendent Vaughn Baker, Tim, and Chief of Interpretation Larry Frederick
Since she was the inspiration for acquiring the RV, we had to bring Kitty along for the party, and she behaved perfectly, basking in all of the attention.  We take her good nature for granted, but many people marveled at how well she behaved on a leash and in her kitty enclosure.

Tim and Kitty

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